Western Handbags
Every woman knows the importance of a quality handbag—it's where you keep your valuables as well as all the little things you need in the course of the day. It's an investment in yourself and an expression of who you are. That's why this line of distinctly Western leather purses comes with lots of organizational pockets, as well as beautiful tooling and embellishments. With so many Western purses from which to choose, we're sure to have the style and size you need. Here you'll find large totes for travel, as well as petite clutches, hobo styles and handbags of every size. Check out the Heartland collection for simple, durable zip-top bags, or the Sam Marcos collection for your choice of tote, shoulder bag or satchel. We also have petite accessory cases for jewelry and makeup, leather wallets and cases for your tablet or e-reader. And for the men in your life, we have a wide selection of wallets, shaving kits and briefcases. All of these come in durable, beautiful designs. Vegetable tanned leathers, hand-tooling and stud and rhinestone accents come together in fresh, fashionable styles in the items you'll find here. And of course, every look is decidedly Western. So check out these collections of Western leather purses to find just the right size and style to fit your everyday Western lifestyle.